προσοχή όλα τα κείμενα αυτού του μπλογκ, ειδικά όσα είναι γραμμένα στην γλώσσα Ελληνική, είναι ακραία ανορθόγραφα, οπότε προχωράτε προσεκτικά ή προσπεράστε ελεύθερα.

up under

Ο χρoνος dησίματος είναι ενbεικτικόz και αnάλογος με τον stούρνο σας. tο φαtητό είsαι έτiμο όταν είναι ξεροψagμένο και τρiγwνό απ'έξω, και μαλaκo σαν "xanούμι" απο μέσα.


so yea, this pulse and beat thing (rhymes with pull and bear) attracted my attention (and yes, it's really powerful) and i downloaded (yes) austra's album, and of course read its review on pitchfork which confronted me with kate bush comparisons :) well, for one thing, where did they find kate bush there?.. maybe there is a grain of truth there, which i am still trying to find. still the vocal delivery is so different - it reminds me more of the organ and other indie contemporaries - and yes, bat for lashes and something adjacent to goth was right in terms of the general style. but kate bush? :P still it was nice to hear that because i like kate bush immensely.
in general the album is really really nice, with all that electro spice, and driving rhythms and heartful (should i say heart-broken, or wait?) vocals. nice stuff.

and yeah of course wouldn't the other detail be there, the quote from wikipedia article, that katie (a maybe that's where kate comparisons sprang from), the singer and the leader, identifies herself as queer.

the word queer always brings to my mind that passage, or a scene (as it's a movie and not a book) from "papillon", with that guy saying...

- You're--
- I know.
- I'm a queer, a fairy, a pouf, huh?
.. I'm the only one who can get you out of here.


είμαι λίγο ζαλισμένος
ίσως λίγο τρελαμένος
μια δόση κραμπιμένος
αρκετούσικα σβησμένος

μ. προσπαθούσα να ακούσω μια συλλογή με acid house (ρεηβ πάρτυ) και ναι, δεν είναι εύκολο, αν και αρχικά πλάκα είχε. μετά διάβασα αυτό που αναφέρει κάτι περί σύνδεσης της επαναλαμβανόμενης μουσικής με σύνδρομα κατατονίας.. χμμμ... :Ρ

ρε παιδιά δεν είχα ιδέα ότι υπάρχουν τόσα μα τόσα free VSTi's (virtual instruments, κάτι σαν plugins που παράγουν ήχο, ελεγχόμενα απο το midi keyboard που συνδέεις στο pc) στον κόσμο, όλα με διαφορετική ποιότητα και μορφή ήχου κλπ. - και αρκετά απ'αυτά προσπαθούν να κάνουν emulate, ή ας πούμε είναι inspired by vintage synths όπως Jupiter ή Juno. αυτό είναι το ένα.

το άλλο είναι οτι το propellerhead's ReBirth έχει γίνει free απο το 2005. δεν το έχω δοκιμάσει ακόμα, αλλά για να το λένε, ισχύει. έχει γίνει μουσειακό κομμάτι :Ρ ασε που τόσοι και τόσοι το χρησιμοποιούσαν σπασμένο.

μπράβο μπράβο...


παραμ παμ παμ.
έλεγχος ταυτότητας στο μετρό, ένας αστυνομικός in full gear, ζητάει απο μια κοπελίτσα φρου φρου, δεν έχω του λέει, ε, λέει ο άλλος, αυτό όμως κανονικά σημαίνει ότι πάτε για εξακρύβωση στο τμήμα κλπ μπλα μπλα - την άλλη φορά να την έχετε μαζί σας, ζητάει απο την δίπλα κοπελίτσα, ουτε εγώ την έχω του λέει - μάλιστα - ντάξει εκτός υποψίας, ρωτάει εμένα τώρα. του λέω την έχω μαζί μου, (λίγο ταραγμένα, - πέρναγα λίγο φάση τώρα ξύπνησα, είμαι bit hung over και η φωνή μου είναι 2 οκτάβες πιο κάτω απο την συνηθισμένη, απο τα χθεσινά τσιγάρα), - αλλά γιατί γίνεται έλεγχος, έχει γίνει κάτι εδώ; - έ, μου λέει, μ'αυτά που γίνονται τελευταία.. κοιτάζει την ταυτότητά μου. ε ντάξει τι να κάνουμε. μου λέει - αριθμός. τι; του λέω. μου λέει ποιος ο αριθμός της ταυτότητας; καλα, του λέω - αφου το γράφει πάνω στην ταυτότητα. χαχαχαχα καλά είμαι και χαζός. ναι μου λέει, ποιός είναι. του λέω που να ξέρω. μου λέει, καλά, δεν ξέρεις τον αριθμό της ταυτότητάς σου; καλά, του λέω, δεν τον θυμάμαι, (ήμουν έτοιμος να πω έλεος, γιατί να τον θυμάμαι; στρατό είμαστε; - μου βγήκε ενα λίγο έξαλλο "σε παρακαλώ" - αλλά μάλλον δεν είναι και έκφραση που αντιστοιχεί στην περίσταση - το "σας παρακαλώ" ταιριάζει πιο καλά, μικροαστικό ε;) απο που είστε. τώρα φανερά πιο τυπικός. κλασσικά. του λέω απο που είναι η καταγωγή μου. τελος πάντων, το ονομα του πατέρα; του λέω. της μητέρας; του λέω. πως; μου λέει; του ξαναλέω. εντάξει, μου την δίνει πίσω την ταυτότητα και προχωρά στον επόμενο.
χθες πέρασα σε ταξί απο την ομόνοια νύχτα, και ήταν "καθαρή", φαίνεται μόλις σκουπισμένη, καμία σχέση απο το πως την είχα συνηθίσει. πλέον είναι και φρεσκοαιματοβαμμένη και πονεμένη περιοχή εκειπέρα, και ίσως να κουβαλάει μια κουρασμένη σοβαρή αύρα. calm after the storm calm before the storm.

we sleep between the storm that was, and the storm which fails to come

σπιτι μετά η μανα μ - μπράβο τους, μας προστατεύουν οι άνθρωποι, κ ο άλλος ο φίλος της, είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να έχουμε κάποιο στοιχείο ταυτοποίησης πάνω μας κάθε στιγμή. ναι, ναι, δεν αντιλέγω, - απλώς το περίεργο με αυτή την υπόθεση ελέγχων είναι γενικά το προσωπείο του "υπόπτου" που σου φοριέται πριν και κατά τον έλεγχο, ένα προσωπείο που με διάφορες μεθοδεύσεις και συγκεκριμένο τρόπο διεξαγωγής του "ελέγχου" μπορεί να σου καταστήσει εκ των πραγμάτων "ένοχο", αν όχι για αξιόποινες πράξεις, τότε τουλάχιστον ένοχο συναισθηματικά, ύποπτο και προσβεβλημένο. και τι ήθελα, και πως αλλιώς μπορούν να κάνουν την δουλειά τους;

εγώ φταίω.

να πάψουμε να είμαστε ευαισθητούλιδες ρε μλκ (έτσι, να ακούγεται και πιο μπουνταλέικα)
cool down.
it's sunny.
i will go fishing.

tranzistor rhythm

have been lis'nin to a compilation album called "808 Attack", which carried this friendly subtitle: "featuring Roland and his mates" :P
well and so i went and read this article about Roland TR-808, soft (wanted to say "sort of") ubiquitous vintage 80's drum machine used in many low (and not so low)-budget music, including early hip-hop and electro dance.. btw here's a link to a virtual VSTi emulating the real thing.

i mean, look how this "simple" and "unlifelike" sounding drum machine shaped the sound of 80's and early nineties... and one of the first artists to use TR-808 on his records was of course! Ryuichi Sakamoto (i hear) (1000 knives)

here's one tune i liked greatly from the 808 attack compilation, and its a cover, remix or who knows what of another YMO/Sakamoto number, Riot in Lagos.

proponents of 90's Detroit electro/techno (btw they all widely used tr-808) - Dopplereffekt, Drexciya, Aux 88, Underground Resistance(UR), Juan Atkins (the father), black musicians most of them.
i think i hear the likes of tr-808 even on στερεο νοβα albums..

i was looking at that look on Anne Clark's face and was wondering if the pain i feel inside somehow could turn from moaning to sort of a riot, like in anne clark's intonation and public stance.. i mean i friggin' need to push away that friggin' moanin' n' sufferin' note heard through my voice and my whole being. n i don't know what to do, in fact. that is.

διαβάζω και προτείνουν κάπου το εξής ντοκιμπαντέρ για ψυχές σαν την δική μου που ψάχνονται: High Tech Soul - The Creation of Techno Music

ελα ρε γμτ διαβαζω πως οι aux 88 εκαναν λαιβ στο 6dogs στις 30 Απριλιου. Μαλιστα, και στις 29 ειχε παίξει ο DJ Stingray που ξερωγώ και αυτός είναι του κόλπου, στο BIOS. τι γίνεται ρε παιδιά; παίζει αναβίωση, ε; φάaaaση. Aachen.


(vintage dark synth molehole of a piece)
(makes me blush, crave, and be jealous all at the same time)

cuff kiss

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the pleasure in a kiss is not its sensual, but its psychological impact.
or, rather, its physically sensual impact is tightly connected to the
psychological state, to the point where these two are the same.
the head that swirls (is it from the blood influx), the mind that is
cleared of everything but this longing n submerging into proximity, the touch
of two bodies and minds intertwined

remembered that because of a dream. left me thankful. funny that i almost forgot.

no, no special connotations in that cuff phrase, i just liked the sound of it.

a FACT magazine article (2006) about industrial & electronic body music
made me search and listen to all these pieces in YouTube.. n it was the same
boring stuff i don't much like. on the other hand i got hooked myself
on the sound textures in aforementioned Front 242's Geography (not Geometry :P)

man, who can resist tracks & videos like this? :P

and i mean. it's totally unlike what they did later - i don't like how industrial /
electronic body music got mixed with rock / metal, - i mean, those first albums,
be it Human League or Clock DVA or Front 242, were more into experimenting with
ideas, and standard styles like funk/soul/disco & post-punk/new-wave, bending the
ideas accordingly, often delivering shocking lyrics and stuff - i don't much care
about this. but anyway...

this here is Cabaret Voltaire, from 1985, i hear, it reminds me so much that sampling/eno/byrne/mylifeinabushofghosts stuff, i think.. i like the way the video is made though. actually this stuff is like what Nine inch nails did and Ministry and the likes, die Krupps etc. but all this doesn't move me that much.

or take And One's Metalhammer or Front 242's Headhunter, which are kind of genre-defining etc., but nah, i'm not into that right now, never was.

adore this picture. pro'b'ly it's the best anne clark's picture i've ever seen.

which reminds me of this splendid Our Darkness video that I spotted in that FACT's journalist ebm/industrial top tracks list:


watching Valerie Collective's blog (didn't make my heart stop or something, it's mainly on french, with bad english translations of each text, but frequent playlists) came upon this Parallels/Kontravoid playlist - which boasted proto-industrial influences, and indeed there was this great track from the first years of front242 - their first album "geometry" (1982) is quite interesting - not as mechanical and rhythmic as for instance DAF, but containing more interesting sounds and variety. they were milder there, the way first industrial acts were, not having discovered yet that harsh vocal delivery and violent rhythms - rhythmic but not violent.. anyway. i talk too much. i adore the below clip :) because of the foot stomping and the constant movement of their bodies- in particular the drummer and the general setting reminds me of the opening scene of that russian cult movie called "ASSA"

then i stumbled upon japanese telecom again and found out they are into detroit electro scene, which is kind of remarkable, because so are dopplereffekt, and so are cybotron that i stumbled upon a month ago while searching for vintage electro pieces to play. juan atkins of cybotron is sometimes called the godfather of techno, and there is a nice article on wikipedia about Detroit techno, its connection with Chicago house (actually techno was a word coined from one of the Cybotron songs, because they were searching for a term to characterize this music and market it in Europe as something different to house music, and house was something from "warehouse" :) or something like that) and its artists. anyway. take this here piece from aux 88.

detroit techno (because techno as it is became known in Europe is something very different, more of a marketing phenomenon, that's what i get from the readings...) is something quite darker and more industrial-sounding than house music, although well, these two kinds co-existed, and sprang probably from the same roots (disco & funk) - they also mention that the fact that Detroit was an industrial city (automobile factories), which got to know a sudden urban decline at some point influenced this "dark" direction in music - i can see a parallel with, for example, UK's Sheffield, which was also industrial city, that gave birth to respected acts like Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, Human League.


mind remainders mind X

πραγμαXτικά αυτός που το είπε αξίζει έπαινο τουριστικού τραVμπουκισμού και λουπείνωσης. νυστεύω πως για να πεί κάτι χετοιο και με πέτοια μειτώ που το είπε, είχε φτάσει X(ε)σε επίπεδα παπαράνιας κουτελώτητας, δηλαδή πλέον δεν μπαμπάζεται να καλουπώνεται άλλο σαν φουρνανθρωπος, και πλέον μπορεί να γίνει Ξ Ε Σ Υ Μ Β Α Λ Ο.

up a fog sketch like a poem of dew
tears into the skin glows as aso hard would
or a bead tear works worm on a leaf peaceful and stationary
in morning clench stay calm
water down inadequ acy naivety unclench hopelessness
work elf to bump into those things
canyoursnot avoid them a knot u forget
it exists but you are all anyway
carefully choked mke me a name
poem for a last cloud

".. πιπεριές Ξεφλουδίζουμε τις περνάμε , περνάμε και τα , τις και το σκόρδο. το κρεμμύδι, και το σκόρδο, και στη συνέχεια τα τσιγαρίζουμε ρίχνουμε τον χυμό της ντομάτας τα τσιγαρίζουμε και τις ντομάτες ένα ποτήρι τα τσιγαρίζουμε νερό στο μπλέντερ βάζουμε τον τα τσιγαρίζουμε κρεμμύδια βασιλικό, το αλάτι, τα τσιγαρίζουμε Ρίχνουμε το πιπέρι, την ζάχαρη και την τα τσιγαρίζουμε κανέλα την πιπεριά και τα αφήνουμε τα τσιγαρίζουμε να βράσουν περίπου 20 λεπτά...τα τσιγαρίζουμε.. "

ζάχαρη (στην άκρη του κουταλιού)

Tuning: ζουμ ζουμ ζουμ
Meter: 150BPM
Tempo: Fender P-Bass of some veriety
Instrument: 4/4
Standard (E A D G)

i am being spammed
i am being spammed
i am being slammed
i am being crammed

        decode(d3.doc_quantity_1, 1, 1,
               decode(d3.doc_quantity_2, 1, 2,
                      decode(d3.doc_quantity_3, 1, 3,
                             decode(d3.doc_quantity_4, 1, 4, null
) q3,

sXome peFople maGy cawll it Va oHne niqght stand but we will call it paradise (nah, not me sayin at, duran duran guys wn doh were flair)


(wrong artist but same sitting position as in above video, almost, though i still want u to think that i'm up my head in a mess of jumbled thoughts and images, my artistic expression at this particular time pushing me into something chaotic and, as it happens, maybe, sharply senseless and bland)

C#m                              B              A
Shake me by the shoulders if I'm lying with you now
Τhere is no time to waste another day
 E        G#m            C#m  /  /  /  B  /  A  /  B  /  /  /
Cos we watch them fly away

was once.

Xbe playfuGl
bXecause peoGple like sunny people
anGd if sadXness shines thrYough you
tuGg it unXder your belt
in yoGur blue jXeans

9.5 1.6 8.5 1.2 1.5
1.3 6 2.7 10.5 1.2
2.5 13 1.5 3 5.3 5.6
1.2 2.4 7.4 X X

today i woke up to find my left hand dead. i thought it didn't belong to my body anymore. it was dreadful. it is just that i made it a habit to sleep with one of my hands up and somehow blood stops flowing there and i get cramps.

little bloody somethings crawling
wake me up

"... and it would be beautiful
though impossible
such a terrible verb
it resounds with breaking chimes
break beats
broken things..."

ls -later

i can hear you singing "my funny valentine"
you know that breaks my heart

also... zoe 'ere - leaves me numb. what about u? n if u want to work yesself up all slick n housey, a nice and sunny gitarra n zoe thing here - didn't know all these.

huh.. nice title...
gotta make a post with things with robots in them.
with psaikologickal προεκτάσεις.
that marina & the diamonds song - I'm not a robot


robots In disguise - that sex song
that Stanislaw Lem book - Star Diaries (one of the very great sci-fi writers who is not published very much - can't find his books, apart from Solaris of course) - by the way - there's a site with a big collection of his book covers as published across different countries - really great)


tell me who i see
when i look in your eyes?
is that you, baby,
or just a brilliant disguise?

n it was long time no see, or something
n i am here now at least
writing something
with a grain of salt
or that small pain
that i want to get rid of
in my voice
to whoever might read it
and to noone in particular