σήμερα στον ύπνο μου είδα να αγοράζω τρία (3) τζάκετ από μαλλί καμίλας, ή τουλάχιστον έτσι μου τα περιέγραψε η σεβαστή πωλίτρια, σε ενα μικρό μαγαζάκι σε απροσδιόριστη τοποθεσία. είχα κάτσει (όρθιος) και τα είχα εξετάσει και μου είχε αρέσει το ένα και αποφάσισα να πάρω τρία για να υπάρχουν. είχαν χρώμα μπεζ και δεν έμοιαζαν με οτιδήποτε καμηλίσιο, πιο πολύ με κάτι προβατένιο. α και καγκουρένιο επίσης (απ' αυτά με ενομένο συνεχή ψηλό γιακά και φερμουάρ). (και τσέπες, θα έπρεπε να υπήρχαν και τσέπες). κάπου ανάμεσα στα λόγια την ξαναρώτησα μήπως ήταν απο μαλλί καμηλοπάρδαλης. (λεοπάρδαλη να είναι άραγες και αυτή τίποτε άλλο από ενα παρδαλό λεοντάρι; χαζό απερίσκεπτο να φοράει αστραφτερά ρούχα). η πωλήτρια νομίζω έγνεψε και μου επιβεβαίωσε ότι είναι από αυτό που λέω. τα πήρα επειδή μου άρεσαν αλλά και επειδή ήθελα να βοηθήσω στο μαγαζί. να το στηρήξω. εκτός απο αυτό όμως έκανα και μια σημαντική σημφωνία - αφού πήγα να πάρω τρία - της είπα να τα πάρω και να τα πληρώσω στην αρχή του μήνα που μας έρχεται γιατί θυμόμουν ότι ήδη έχω ξοδέψει το μισό του μηνιάτικου και δεν ξέρω τι άλλα έξοδα θα έχω μέχρι το τέλος του μήνα. σιγά σιγά οι παρορμήσεις και οι αγορές καμηλοπάρδαλων ειδών αναψυχής.
επίσης είδα μια περιπέτεια νομίζω με εναν κινέζο πράκτορα που φορούσε μαύρα γυαλιά, αλλά δεν την θυμάμαι καθόλου για να σας την περιγράψω. πρέπει να αλλάξω κάρτα μνήμης.
προσοχή όλα τα κείμενα αυτού του μπλογκ, ειδικά όσα είναι γραμμένα στην γλώσσα Ελληνική, είναι ακραία ανορθόγραφα, οπότε προχωράτε προσεκτικά ή προσπεράστε ελεύθερα.
couple pieces upload
in this here simplistic form i would like to present you with.. my first foray into the bandcamp world, or, rather, that bandcamp distribution system. i don't clearly see how its policy of encouraging the actual buying helps anyone but itself - but i guess i understand that it has to be sustainable as a company and as a hosting service for audio files. in practical terms, i know that it all boils down to the fact that it's a win-win situation, when somebody buys your stuff through bandcamp. everybody gains. while when it's a free download, the bandcamp clearly loses. there have to be things that the artist loses too this way - otherwise everything would be free. and we don't want this, do we? in the state we're in.
so i've been thinking - with the way soundcloud goes, (and i got rather bored of it anyway - maybe, in a way, i participated in its decline, because during the last years, i have been just uploading, without listening to the tracks of others that i followed - did i become more self-absorbed and ego-centric?) - let's try this new bright thing. the truth is that i've been a bandcamp user for a couple of years, and i have never bought anything digital-musical apart from there. it's a nice way of getting what you want - in some cases i even was kind of disappointed that some albums i sought for were not on bandcamp.
so i took my two most recent tracks i had uploaded on soundcloud, reworked the main vocal track to my.. ahem.. better satisfaction, and uploaded them to bandcamp as a kind of a single (this side, flip side). i even made a front cover of sorts. but then, after the front cover reminded me of something else, and after i discovered that i did harbour certain feelings of possible success, while listening and relistening the tracks again and again and discovering that they were awfully sub-par.
i decided to... state that the only way i would be able to forgive myself for publishing those tracks, and showing to the world that I made them, would be to explain the following little bit. i make those tracks not to entertain. i am not an entertainer, not a trend-setter, neither a dissipator of ideas. this is not my profession and will never be. (never say never, who did say that? oh, was it romeo void?) they are a kind of run of the mill bedroom music lots of people do in their bedrooms to express themselves. yes, i do this just to express myself. to express, - meaning - to communicate my feelings, in variously apparent or non-apparent ways. my publishing these tracks is almost like showing you a photograph of me - giving you my family album, and watching your reactions. it's a strange need to give a part of myself to somebody.
now, that doesn't mean that my belief is this is what art is, and that i shouldn't have worked more on these musical ideas. it is just i never felt confident enough to ask somebody to participate and give any number of opinions. i am kind of embarassed to do this in the first place, fearing a negative reaction, or an awkward silence.
it is just that i feel that sometimes it does me good, to do various stuff with music. i have always done it just because. just because i felt like it. no matter how bad it might have sounded. this is my apology. well - and that's that.
so i've been thinking - with the way soundcloud goes, (and i got rather bored of it anyway - maybe, in a way, i participated in its decline, because during the last years, i have been just uploading, without listening to the tracks of others that i followed - did i become more self-absorbed and ego-centric?) - let's try this new bright thing. the truth is that i've been a bandcamp user for a couple of years, and i have never bought anything digital-musical apart from there. it's a nice way of getting what you want - in some cases i even was kind of disappointed that some albums i sought for were not on bandcamp.
so i took my two most recent tracks i had uploaded on soundcloud, reworked the main vocal track to my.. ahem.. better satisfaction, and uploaded them to bandcamp as a kind of a single (this side, flip side). i even made a front cover of sorts. but then, after the front cover reminded me of something else, and after i discovered that i did harbour certain feelings of possible success, while listening and relistening the tracks again and again and discovering that they were awfully sub-par.
i decided to... state that the only way i would be able to forgive myself for publishing those tracks, and showing to the world that I made them, would be to explain the following little bit. i make those tracks not to entertain. i am not an entertainer, not a trend-setter, neither a dissipator of ideas. this is not my profession and will never be. (never say never, who did say that? oh, was it romeo void?) they are a kind of run of the mill bedroom music lots of people do in their bedrooms to express themselves. yes, i do this just to express myself. to express, - meaning - to communicate my feelings, in variously apparent or non-apparent ways. my publishing these tracks is almost like showing you a photograph of me - giving you my family album, and watching your reactions. it's a strange need to give a part of myself to somebody.
now, that doesn't mean that my belief is this is what art is, and that i shouldn't have worked more on these musical ideas. it is just i never felt confident enough to ask somebody to participate and give any number of opinions. i am kind of embarassed to do this in the first place, fearing a negative reaction, or an awkward silence.
it is just that i feel that sometimes it does me good, to do various stuff with music. i have always done it just because. just because i felt like it. no matter how bad it might have sounded. this is my apology. well - and that's that.
it is enough to see these two videoclips (the last one is one of my all-time mega favourites) of a well-known American all-girl band The Bangles - to understand the striking change in the overall projected image of the band. i mean at first you see no attention to beautification, the "we are what we are" attitude, and staunch feminist-like approach, and later you see the total opposite. swinging hips, mini skirts, femme fatale image, the dinosaurs of rock show mistresses - i don't know if this actually happened because those women aged, or if the music industry gave them a helping hand and showed them the right direction to get loads of money. or, well - did the times simply change - it was more fashionable to be anti-something and explosive - in the start of the 80's when the punk boom has not yet subsided totally? i don't really know. and susanna hoffs singing style transforming to that doll-like sweet rasp we all melted to listening to "eternal flame" - someone really knew what this side of male/female public would melt to (or is it just me? - am i beaing sexist? nowadays it becomes more and more difficult to sort that out, especially trying to explain it to somebody else). anyway. just a couple of thoughts. see ya.
it is almost hard to believe it's the same susanne hoffs as here (oh what a piece of music... i am crawling with nostalgia worms all over.. sorry..)
wehll and this here is my bombastic all-time fav. black clad stunning rock divas galore! (oh and they sing something about being with me! oh i AM melting all over)
[meh editing] ah well and, by the way, see what they had up their sleeve, before they did anything that put them right on the spotlight.. (i am pretty sure this videoclip is some kind of a mix of other clips - i am not even sure if the bangles are depicted on it at all - but the song is bangles allright)
it is almost hard to believe it's the same susanne hoffs as here (oh what a piece of music... i am crawling with nostalgia worms all over.. sorry..)
wehll and this here is my bombastic all-time fav. black clad stunning rock divas galore! (oh and they sing something about being with me! oh i AM melting all over)
[meh editing] ah well and, by the way, see what they had up their sleeve, before they did anything that put them right on the spotlight.. (i am pretty sure this videoclip is some kind of a mix of other clips - i am not even sure if the bangles are depicted on it at all - but the song is bangles allright)
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