προσοχή όλα τα κείμενα αυτού του μπλογκ, ειδικά όσα είναι γραμμένα στην γλώσσα Ελληνική, είναι ακραία ανορθόγραφα, οπότε προχωράτε προσεκτικά ή προσπεράστε ελεύθερα.


keywords: aytoamyna
bit depressed, bit despaired, bit afraid
egw pou lew oti ola symvainoun gia na sou poun kati
etouto pali ti thelei na mou pei?
what is happening anyway?
does it have to do with the state of the world, my immediate surroundings,
or does it really have to do with ME myself?
what should i do? what should i change?

san meleth, miso sovara kai miso asteia,
prospathw na skefthw thn xthesinh mera
kai 2-3 pragmata san na
"proaisthanontousan" thn malakia pou tha synevaine
[just for fun looking at it]
apla prospathw na paiksw me thn idea tou kata poso
kapoia pragmata mporeis na ta provlepseis,
antlwntas oti plhroforia mporeis apo to perivallon
alla panta etsi den symvainei, skorpia pragmata,
skoteina proaisthimata, an pisteva ol ayta,
tha.. tespa.

song: The Godfathers - Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean to say they're not going to get you!
an kai ypothetw pws milaei gia alla pragmata, kai htan proxthes kserwgw pou proseksa ayto to tragoudi

end of my backpack years na ypothesw? "re vgale ayto to saligkari pou exeis pisw sou" mou elege o kyr. Pantelhs, aytos vevaia to elege genika gia to parousiastiko mou alla den eixe katholou adiko - an skeftheis oti se ayto to arthro panw grafei oti den prepei na fainesai submissive type, kai aytos ennoouse oti h tsanta plaths pou kouvalaw me kanei na fainomai san atomo anasfalh ousiastika - ektos apo to oti mporei na fainetai deleastikh genika san tsanta se opoiousdhpote robers twm kammenwn daswn.

telos pantwn, opoios katalave katalave, kai opoios den katalave, milame apo konta :P

na prosexoume oloi mas sto maximum.

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