προσοχή όλα τα κείμενα αυτού του μπλογκ, ειδικά όσα είναι γραμμένα στην γλώσσα Ελληνική, είναι ακραία ανορθόγραφα, οπότε προχωράτε προσεκτικά ή προσπεράστε ελεύθερα.


"...and the man in the mirror has sad eyes..."

my list of tales that look like disturbing dreams:

kafka's "metamorphosis"

joe orton's "head to toe"

lynch's "eraserhead" (movie)

angela carter's "infernal machines of dr. hoffmann"

haven't read that yet, but maybe so...:
margaret atwood's "housemaid's tale"

could be:
orwell's "1984" and various other utopistic fiction like huxley's "brave new world", zamyiatin's "we", karenthy's "metropolis" (nothing to do with the movie) - but they all have a logical core and are not dreamlike enough, methinks

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