it's yesterday that i saw myself going upstairs to pay our rental, and presenting our hosts with a boiled lobster, half-laughing and half-embarassed myself because i was unsure whether the lobster was boiled in the right way. probably the fact of seeing a lobster was caused by me watching (or rather, trying to see) that woody allen movie (i'm voluptiously tempted to say "flick" instead of "movie", but i do not give in) - "annie hall", where, during their happy first days, the heroes (woody & diane keaton) run after some half-live lobsters that got out of a shopping bag.
eeeeeeeeewwwwwwww sure kiss
today i saw many things; the things i remember more distinctly are me taking some shortcut to somewhere, long past sunset, in a neighbourhood vaguely known to myself (as it happens in dreams, you are sure you know the district etc. but then can't remeber or place it in your real life) - so - i took a shortcut, and it was raining mercilessly, and i wanted to get across the street, and there were poodles of water everywhere, and there was this big big poodle near the curb, as it usually happens in athens, and i went into it, and after some seconds was pushing forward literally to my waist in water, that black nightly murky kind of water. i didn't reach the turning i originally had planned to reach, and turned back, possibly scheming for another, less liquid shortcut to wherever i was hurrying. then i remember meeting a girl, a romantic acquaintance from long long ago, supposedly (it was noone i know or knew in real life, i think) - and i think - at some point we walked back from somewhere, the three of us (there was some friend too), and were deciding on what routes each of us would take to their homes. and during walking i think we took a small rest in a playground somewhere.
easy times. yearning times. tenseness. in-tensity. what happened?
take time to listen to some sludge metal.
unghhhh.. shake the disease?!
(understand me)
i've been loading a new program i have ordered from a magazine
"... hello, i know you must be feeling tired, i bring you ..."
"hello, i know you are unhappy, i bring you ..."
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