προσοχή όλα τα κείμενα αυτού του μπλογκ, ειδικά όσα είναι γραμμένα στην γλώσσα Ελληνική, είναι ακραία ανορθόγραφα, οπότε προχωράτε προσεκτικά ή προσπεράστε ελεύθερα.

lit up

maybe sometimes
small things can lighten you up
like a bulb
a small 40 watt bulb
sometimes it's enough
to light up the space around you
sufficiently to stray attention
from unnecessary
running around the same
uneasy stuff
that might be pestering you



it's help from above
there's nothing more important
than to make things easier
in your mind
(as that jesus & mary chain / sandoval song title again - but don't care about the lyrics)

what made me lighten up a bit
was the book i am reading at the moment
it's called white apples and it's by
a certain jonathan carrol
and it's written (as wikipedia nicely points out above)
in magical realist style
that i finally adore
in many books
by many authors
(including my beloved "Little, Big" by John Crowley and "Master And Margarita" by M. Bulgakov, as well as Neil Gaiman's books)
and it talks about love
and memory
and hope (in general)
and life/death circle thing
and is an engaging fast read
in general

so wish there are always things in your life that might lighten you up when it's kind of dark around the place
let's search for those things when we need them

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